Main features

What is Reporting Maestro?

Reporting Maestro is a software platform that was especially developed for financial service providers who want to drastically increase the reliability of client mass reporting processes and minimize cost of report production.

Reporting Maestro is a unified client communication solution that manages the entire client communication process across the production and the distribution of client reporting.  Our solution relies on advanced workflow technology, which typically automates processes such as this one.

Reporting Maestro automates Reporting end-to-end


In what aspects does Reporting Maestro support our customers?

Reporting Maestro offers the following advantages :

  • Maximize reliability of client reporting mass production: during the production process reports are no longer “forgotten”. The process is always monitored and controlled in a totally transparent way.
  • Minimize report production process cycle times: production of reports is repeated only for those reports which previously aborted due to error conditions (i.e. due to unavailability of required data for the report production). The process resumes exactly where previous error conditions appeared.
  • Simplify the client report production process: Integration of heterogenic reporting systems (e.g. Triple'A, Olympic).


  • A complete reporting platform

    The "Reporting Maestro" platform is a global business intelligence tool that combines two main modules: an innovative self-service reporting creation tool (the Business Report Designer) and a module (the Reporting Maestro Server) which automates the production, the secure distribution and the storage of reports, as well as the verification of the data.

    The advantages of a global reporting solution

    Our reporting solution allows you to manipulate, aggregate, sort and format information from various data sources easily and intuitively by using a simple a drag-and-drop system. Data verification and distribution is fully automated.

    Installation & support

    Fully available using API, our platform is modular and can be installed on any existing system. Our consultants advise and assist you throughout the migration process. Migrating your existing report templates and reports is made easier through our automated migration tool.

    Discover below the two main components of our Reporting Maestro platform:

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ReportingSoft is primarily a global presence, the employees of which are recognized for their expertise, mutually enriching their business and technology skills. In all their actions, they carry with them the group's core values​​: responsiveness, commitment, professionalism and performance. For ReportingSoft, the success of a project requires not only skills but also strong common values.